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March 7, 2016 - Exec. Session
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 7, 2016
Executive Session Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   

Executive Session
4:05 PM  The three selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. Present for Fieldstone Farm were Tom Sullivan and Deb Cary. They distributed a list of donors to the Fieldstone Farm Campaign along with related materials. They reported that DCR will contribute a total $820,000 from several sources, including the ski area fund for $200,000. This is more than originally indicated. To meet the $3.1 million goal, the group needs donations of $750,000 and have collected pledges totaling $370,950. This is very encouraging, they said and selectmen agreed.
The two also reported on the farmhouse, which is now on its own 4.5 acre lot and has been listed at $189,900. An open house was held last weekend and there was much buyer interest. The major issue is Title V, as the property doesn’t meet current code, so this upgrade will be negotiated as a condition of the sale. The group is working on several private grant proposals as well. They noted that a $50,000 option must be paid to the Smiths in March.
4;20 PM  Both groups then discussed town purchase of some of the land, for future municipal use. Edith noted that fire and police chiefs favor Parcel D which is 20 acres set back from Hubbardston Road. All three selectmen agreed on favoring this parcel. Deb C. stated that clustered housing was originally designed into the plan for that site, and the working group may be obligated to provide that, although in subsequent info sessions, the allover plans have changed, for instance, ANR lots on Calamint Hill Road. It was reported that the Facilities Planning Committee was not charged with town uses for any land purchase. A price for a town purchase of parcel C or D might be $100,000. Parcel C is on the corner of Calamint Hill Road with frontage on two roads but only two houselots are estimated for that parcel. The working group anticipates collecting about $375,000 from land sales, including the farmhouse.
The working group will commiserate on the sale of either parcel C or D to the town and return in 2-3 weeks.
4:45 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Stan making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Stan each saying “aye.” They returned to open session.

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  List of donors to the Fieldstone Farm Campaign along with related materials

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department